These guys are great at any point of your quest. You want to talk power hungry? Just take a look at his Acid Cloud attack! Having such a powerful attack early on in the game will often single-handedly win battles for you.
And not just by damage decision either! He will obliterate most units. However, as the game progresses, he will seem to lose his glory. This is mainly because the enemy have the ability to attack them directly with multiple Wizards in the same unit, and other similar formations. Doll Mages also gain levels like the Wizard classes do, so they have low Hit Points & Strength, making them even more
vulnerable. Fortunately, this character can dish out plenty of punishment in return! All the same, they have ultra low defenses, and even more so to Lightning attacks. They just get ripped apart. Just make sure that he doesn’t go kill-happy, as is easy to do early on, or else you will never be able to promote one to a Doll Master because of low Charisma or Alignment!
The relatively poor level gains and low defenses, coupled with the utter ineffectiveness of his Puppet attack, means that you pretty much never put them in the Front Row. (That should go without saying, right?) The Back Row is where they rock anyway. In a way, this class is a poor man’s Mage, but these gain better levels. You can use these for Mage scarcity or unit variety in place of Mages if you’d
like. A sneaky trick that I’ve found to work with varying success is if you really want a Doll Master bad, just find a Knight that doesn’t have too high of an Alignment, and class change him down to a Fighter, than up to a Doll Mage, and
eventually to the Doll Master. With any character that has a hit-all attack, you may find the requirements of a Doll Master difficult to obtain, because he kills things left and right. At any rate, I only usually have one, two, maybe even three Doll Mages in various units to ensure that I get at least one Doll Master. This class can recruit a Golem, but that is more of a negative than a positive!