



Class Notes & Tips

This character class can be thought of as your all purpose class for most of the game. They are not a super stellar class, but they aren’t exactly bad in any glaring facet either.  Knights are capable of doing decent damage and are able to take a fair amount of damage. However, any class that has a high Physical Defense, like the Dragon & Wyrm classes, and even the Golem classes, they will almost be dead weight. They don’t deal all that much damage to these classes, but take quite a bit in return. Other types of classes to watch out for are the evil oriented classes with Black attacks, like Imps.  Even though the Knight can slam them, he will get rocked in return.  Especially at night!  Knights do have a decent amount of Hit Points to allow some leeway and bending but not breaking with your units.

Whether your are choosing the Good or Evil story line in your run through of the game, you will need many of these to fill in and round out the Front Rows of your units. I would say at least 5 or 6 in the early to mid stages of the game. You will most definitely want to promote some to Paladins, as they, along with Samurai Masters to some extent, are the ultimate filler for units that you can’t quite decide what to put in that last spot. Knights are also great ‘starter’ classes for other ones.  As mentioned in the Doll Mage section, you can change a character into a Knight temporarily, only to change him to a different classes later on.  Knights serve their purpose, and can even be used in stages in the middle of the game with surprisingly effective results.  But don’t leave them as Knights for too long!

M.O.B.Q. Rating: B

Knight Stats