
Coffin (Day)


Coffin (Day)



Class Notes & Tips

This class is truly one of the best in the whole game. This character has two forms; hence the double columns on some of the charts on his stats page.  During the daylight hours, he sleeps inside of his coffin.  He is quite the loser during the day. The rest of the unit has to lug his coffin around, slowing it down greatly, and he only gets one measly attack.  However, once the sun goes down, get ready to party! With Life Suck, he’s the only class in the game capable of healing himself while doing damage at the same time.  And, because of his very high defenses, he will never be in any real trouble. All he has to do is land a hit on a character that is weak the Black attacks, and his Hit Points go right back up! Only repeated White attacks are problematic.  And, if this weren’t enough, this attack can target anyone in the unit!  He is not quite so cool in the Back Row, however. His Charm attack can be thought of as acting like the ”Lovers” Tarot Card, but only affecting one character at a time. However, the success rate of the Vampyre’s version is not nearly as high as the Tarot Card.  Also, he wastes a slot in the back row for characters that have much more lethal attacks. And nothing sucks more than for him to waste his second attack on the one guy that he’s already charmed! Talk about damn annoying!  The only problem with this class is that you need a fricking item in order to make the class change: the “BLOOD” (Blood Spell) item.  You can get find them late in the game if you have a low Reputation on Antanjyl,  Still, this can easily be overlooked because of all the many cool things that only he can do!

These are tough S.O.B.’s to take out.  For this reason, I put good oldde Nosferatu in the Front Row, and don’t even worry about this unit ever losing a battle.  The coffin that he gets carted around in during the day is virtually indestructible.  Even against White attacks!  Somehow, a pinebox is tough enough to withstand even a Meteor or Magic Missile attack!  Anyway, while he’s in the Front Row, you have a great damage magnet for your more delicate characters behind him.  He will take ‘single digit’ damage from almost any attack!  And I do mean almost any attack!  As an added bonus, for some reason the enemy has a strange fixation with attacking your Vampyres all the time! Gaining back his lost Hit Points on his own is great since you won’t have any healing in whatever unit you put him in.  Well, you shouldn’t but that’s just me!  Anyway, for your other units, make sure that you have a Vampyre recruit a Werewolf or two, who are some of the best Mountain terrain characters in the game! I vant to suck vor blood! Two big fangs- I mean, thumbs up!!

M.O.B.Q. Rating: A

Vampyre Stats