With one of these in your unit, you can forget about needing to use any healing items at all on the unit!
Three Healing attacks! When you are able to obtain this class in the course of the game, a third attack is considered to be quite a premium. This is really nice, because she will usually get the last say in a battle, and heal your one character that always seems to get worked over every fight, and prevent him/her from dying. Sadly, as is with the Cleric, you have to worry about her defenses to all of the elements except for White. They barely increase with her
promotion! In spite of this, she’s still a very important character class for any type of unit you might want to make! I still remember how wrong I thought it was the first time I ever got one!
Sure, having the three heals is nice, but the really great thing about this class is the ability to recruit Angels. You will definitely want to take advantage of this, as the only other way they can be found is as neutral encounters, or by a Princess recruiting them. The Seraphim class is one of the most powerful in the game, and the subclasses leading up to it are not bad either! The only problem is that you don’t want to get too bogged down with this class. The reason why is because you will lessen a unit’s killing power by putting in a character that does no damage at all. This is most noticeable if you put her in a unit that includes a large monster character class. I like these, but only sparingly. Keep using unit those other classes with White attacks get better and more powerful.