Faerie |
This entire character class tree is an easy one to skip over completely.
It’s an easy & honest mistake. By all appearances, the Faerie is the worst character class in the game. A Faerie only has one attack in either flank, and both of them are lousy. Honestly, I don’t even notice much of an attack increase after a Kiss ‘attack’ has boosted one of my guys. However, to top it all off, she has some of the weakest, if not the weakest, defenses of any character class in the entire game. Especially to Fire attacks. Also, she gains very low Hit Points. Other than that, this class does gain surprisingly awesome
levels. Mad Agility & Inteligence, which the higher forms of this class display.
Still, this is almost the definition of “dead space’ in a unit! And, if you notice, the Pixie class is not much better at all. So, thinking that, it’s easy to wonder if this entire class is even worth a damn. But you have to hang on! The Sylph class is the one radical class transformation of this game. You will have to keep a Faerie or two around just have some! Other than that, this particular variation of this class is quite worthless.
There are a few ways to go about it with this entire class. 1) Forget about this class entirely. Then, when you can recruit Level 20 Pixies with character classes that can recruit them, such as Seraphim or Paladin, and turn them right into Sylphs. A freshly recruited Faerie or Pixie will most likely already have the necessary Alignment, so there should be no problem. And, you don’t even need to worry about Charisma at all! 2) Use only the ones you find as nuetral encounters. On some stages, like Ryhan Sea, you can find some Level 18 Pixies, and just gains them the extra few levels. There are other stages that you can find them on as well; this is just off the top of my head. 3) Recruit a few Faeries, and gain them all the way up to Level 20 on your own. Personally, I prefer this lasr method, for a few reasons. First, and maybe the most practical, is because characters gain better levels & are cheaper to
deploy if you gain them yourself. Another reason is this way they can benefit from being in liberation units that pull Tarot Cards like Justice & Judgment, which bestow increases to maximum Hit Points to the entire unit. This will somewhat eliminate one fo the major problems with this class. I’ve had Sylphs with over 250 Hit Points easy this way! Which is a lot for this class! A great way to gain them levels quickly is to place them in units with a Princess as the leader, just like with Angels. Otherwise, you will find gaining levels really slow going with
only one attack! And, with a character that doesn’t even cause damage too! So, use ‘em if you like ‘em, ditch ‘em hard if you don’t!
M.O.B.Q. Rating: F |