Dragoon (Fogel)

Dragoon (Fenril)

Dragoon (Slust)


Dragoon (Slust)

Dragoon (Fenril)

Dragoon (Fogel)


Class Notes & Tips

This class refers to the Three Sky Knights.  That would be Slust the Red, Fenril of Ice, and Fogel the Dragon Rider.  You cannot get this class normally, and it only exists in the form of these three special characters.  Otherwise, this game would be way too easy!!! As for the class itself, it basically kicks ass.  This is the best Front Row fighter you can ever hope to have. And, he has the Dragon Master factor with him.  Meaning, he makes any member of the Dragon & Wyrm classes fight more effectively. They all seem to get a 5-10 bonus in damage. This class gains superhuman levels!  A 23 average gain per level up?! How wrong is that?!  And, they have really wonderful defenses as well.  You will almost never have to worry about this class dying.  Even in the ‘front & centre” position!

As far as unit building goes with these, these go good anywhere! They do tend to be suited to more of a Front Row placement, but their Sonic Strike attack will do well over 100 damage to a single target! Because they are the highest (and only!) form of this class, you don’t need to worry about their Charisma or Alignment.  So, they can be in used in any type of fighting unit with no second thoughts. Sit back, and watch them beat ass! They also provide some great recruits to your army as well. This is the only place to recruit Ice Giants & Fire Giants, if you want to use them.  All of the different types of Dragons available with these three is a nice touch. Personally, I like to stick them with Dragons.  I tend to like placing them in the element they are named after (like Slust with a Red Dragon), but there’s a practical reason. When using any member of the Dragon class, you can only ever have a total of four characters in it. So, using a Dragoon will greatly cover up for the missing character, because they are so damn good.  Besides, he’s so buff that it would really be overkill in a unit with a Lich or Princess or other such unnecessary nonsense!

M.O.B.Q. Rating: A+

Dragoon Stats