



Class Notes & Tips

An excellent early game character. As soon as you get these, and put them in the Front Row of your fighting units.  You will see that the game has become drastically easier for you. The unit will virtually be unbeatable, because the enemy unit’s entire Front Row will not be able to cause any damage at all to you. And, the enemy also likes to target these guys with everything, so even their ranged attackers will try in vain to bring down this bony brute! The stats that this class gains are among the worst of any class, but the huge bonus of being immune to a wide variety of attacks is a more than acceptable tradeoff!

Once you have a Skeleton or two, you will fear nothing.  Well, except the odd unit with a Cleric or Angel in it, but nothing really truly scary will come your way. Placing one of these in the Front Row of fighting units is definitely the way to go here.  They don’t really work in any other situation, what with them only getting one attack in the Back Row, and that they are kinda too evil to be liberating people!  In order to get some, you can either find them in the Pogrom Forest wandering around, or, get a Sorcerer, and have him recruit some. You will probably get to the Pogrom Forest before you get a Sorcerer, so the first option is more likely!  I wouldn’t go super gung-ho with these, however. Maybe only two or three of them, if that many.  I would rather spend the unit slots building up some Imps or Wizards instead of using a character class that will just be replaced eventually by the Wraith.  Still, don’t feel too bad about using a few Skeletons temporarily.

M.O.B.Q. Rating: B-

Skeleton Stats