Silver Dragon

Silver Dragon

Silver Dragon


Class Notes & Tips

Finally, a large monster that isn’t evil!  You will notice tons of changes from his previous form. First off, his breath attack is now a Cold attack. Second, his defenses have gone through a complete overhaul! He has some really low Black defenses now. You can easily fix this with a well equipped shield or armor. The last thing you may not notice right away when playing around with your new toy.  He moves across the map much slower than you remembered!  His terrain type of Snow is the cause of this.  This really blows early in the game.  There are almost no stages with snow in them until maybe stage 13 or 14! The only thing he will do is slow down the entire unit on all other surfaces! However, later on in the game, you will find that some stages are almost totally covered in snow. Also, these move faster than most classes on the snowy mountains, which also pop up a lot later on.  So, you will be glad you have a Silver Dragon or two then!  But right now, it’s a hindrance, big time!  Just keep them in city defending units for now, and wait until they can class chance.  What a cool character class, eh? Get it?

You will have to bide your time with this class. He won’t seem like that much of an improvement from the regular Dragon at first. That is only because you won’t be able to use him in his natural terrain for a while.  So, until that time, just have him in city defending units. Just use some “BOOTS” (7 League Boots) to teleport his unit right onto the important town that you want to defend.  You won’t have to worry too much about losing a battle, because he will absorb quite a bit of damage while dealing out some of his own!  These can be found on snowy stages as neutral encounters, or have a Dragon Master recruit some.

M.O.B.Q. Rating: B-

Silver Dragon Stats