Like the Fire Giant, this class is not anything really special.
He also has a peculiar Back Row attack that is mislabeled also. It is only a Cold variation of his Front Row attack for some reason called Ice Bolt. This Giant form is sorta the ‘neutral’ Alignment type. He seems to be more “goodly” than evil, if you check out his defenses. He is somewhat weak to Black attacks, and very weak to Fire attacks, which only makes sense given his choice of landscape. The level gains are identical to his fiery friend, but are great none the less. For some reason, Ice Giants don’t seem as terrible as Fire Giants, but they still are not one of the better classes in this game.
They are more serviceable than Fire Giants, but not really powerful. Use them only as filler characters on stages with lots of snow fields on them to speed up the unit.
By the way, the chart that came with the SNES game got the requirements for this class & the Fire Giant completely flip-flopped. Of course, I have them the correct way on this site. What else would you expect?!
Because there are less characters with the Snow movement type to choose from, it makes the Ice Giant a bit more attractive to use than the Fire Giant. If you even like Snow units to begin with! I’ve used these from time to time, and they worked with a fair amount of success. I like the Silver Dragon choice over these for large monsters with Snow movement honestly. You will probably not find any real uses for this class, because there is just not an overwhelming need for lots of Snow units. As you would except, they can be found as neutral encounters on snowy stages, like Tundra. Use ‘em if this is your 20-ith time through this game, and you are bored using all the power characters.
Your supply of Ice Giants can come from Fenril.