This batch of character classes has several unique properties to them.
Like a bad horror movie, the are resilient creatures, and can’t be killed very easily. In fact, they don’t even have any Hit Points or defenses! I mean, how can you kill something that’s already dead, right? As a result, they are completely immune to almost every type of attack type that gets thrown at them! However, being dead does have its disadvantages. Any type of White attack, even from an equipped weapon, will instantly “kill” them. For example, instead of a Cleric healing her fellow comrades in battle, she will use her Healing attack to wipe out all of the Undead characters. The one thing that is mildly annoying about this class is that they don’t class change. Meaning, each of of these corpselike characters is in a single class tree all on its own. So, if you have a Skeleton, and want to replace him with the much better Wraith, you will have to find a Wraith instead of promoting the Skeleton. The same goes for the Ghost & Phantom classes. Still, the lower forms of these classes are amazingly useful when you can find them, and you won’t be running into many characters that have White attacks, except for the random Cleric. The best place to find these is to pace around in the Pogrom Forest, and then much later on Antalia. You will find tons of them as neutral
encounters. If you do happen to blunder and run into a unit that has a character that can take out your Undead, get your groove on with some Tarot Cards, and try
and take out the offender before they can work their magic! There are a few non-White attacks that can also kill Undead. They are listed below, along with all of the White attacks to worry about.