The effect may sound cool, but the main problem with this Tarot Card lies in the fuzzy
logic of what the game determines to be “low” Hit Points. It is based on a percentage of the target’s maximum, but it is hard to tell
where that threshold lies. So, you could use a Death card, hoping to kill a character that you think is weak enough, only to have it miss! The only use for this card would be if you have no attacks left, and the enemy unit has only characters with single digit Hit Points left, and you won’t be able to chase them down. You have to be extremely careful doing this, however. As every unit killed by a Tarot Card is considered to be killed by your Opinion Leader, this card can single-handedly ruin his Charisma & Alignment with overuse!! Another thing that is very troublesome is the liberation effect. Losing this big a chunk of Reputation is not good at all. Another “BOO! BOO!” card that lives up to it’s crowd reaction!