Wild Man

Wild Man

Wild Man


Class Notes & Tips

Well, this class is pretty terrible. Maybe if you could get this class at level 4 or level 5, maybe then I could see some uses.  But at Level 6?! Oh-please! Given the choice, you are much better off with a Ninja at Level 6.  Both have similar class requirements anyway.  I mean, a Wild Man only has one lousy attack from the back row!  The one decent thing about him is that he seems to be tough against any large monsters and non-human characters.  Also, he dishes out decent damage to the more upstanding character classes, like the Knight and Samurai classes. I guess his defenses are not too bad, and he does gain better levels than Knights do, so there are these slight positives. But still, not all that attractive a class choice if you ask me...

Well, I wouldn’t waste your time with this class.  If you’re after some evil characters, the Imp & Undead classes have much better to offer.  This guy might be good if you are looking for a little variety with your units, but not much else. The Evil One isn’t even worth it, if you ask me. And no, that’s not a typo! You can use a “BLOOD” (Blood Spell) on an Evil One to get a Vampyre!  It’s the ultra secret way of getting a Vampyre!  Just the same, use KnightsMore about hat on the Evil One’s bio. Even with this super cool trick for those in the know, this entire class is pretty much a waste!

M.O.B.Q. Rating: D

Wild Man Stats