Not really a fan of this Tarot Card.
You wouldn’t think that you’d be fighting against too many characters that have low Black Defense because, well, the empire is evil! However, there are a surprising number of them. This card does work really well against any of the “Goodly Hero” classes. This would include members of the Knight, Samurai, Cleric, Angel families, with other individual character classes signing up as well. Even some of the large character classes, like the Silver Dragon family and Titans, will get demolished by this card. This card is not as
good in the early portions of the game, because most early game characters do not have super low Black Defense. Only once the classes become more detailed & pronounced, will this card really be of any real use. Other cards will work better for you more than likely, and I often pass up this card. There are even a few bosses that this card will work well on! That being said, this card is not one of my first choices. A different damage-dealer will work just as well for me, and also damage characters that have high Black Defense! Also, the liberation effect of this card is a real downer. Literally! Reputation - 1?! What up with that? “BOO! BOO!” I suppose communicating with a big hulking devil is rather... evil...? <pinky>