the Opinion Leader!
The particulars were discovered by a few dedicated & crafty members of the Game FAQ’s message board. It was so complicated to figure out that it took someone having to hack into the state saves of the emulator version! I was snooping around the message board when I saw the post, and since people over the years have been asking for such a feature on my site, I am more than happy to provide it! If you happen to ever visit the board, thank a guy by the name of Sprite Child for figuring it out in the first place, and another guy named SageArcin for reposting it recently so that everybody could learn how to pick the Opinion Leader that you want!
As you know, every time you begin a new quest, you are asked six randomly determined questions by Warren, and the way that you answer them determines which Opinion Leader type you will be. And, depending on how you answer those questions, the ‘type’ of Opinion Leader you will be generated. How exactly? First off, there are four different forms that the Opinion Leader can be. Once his/her form is determined, this form will never change throughout the game. They are:
It was discovered that for each multiple choice response, the game assigns a number value for each possible Opinion Leader type. And, after all of the questions are answered, whichever total number is the highest is what Opinion Leader type you will be! Each Tarot Card has the exact numbers listed on their specific page, but I thought it would be easier and kinder of me to list out below the exact answer you should pick if you want a specific Opinion Leader. Also, because of the way the numbering system (which is in hexadecimal) is stored, if there is a tie, it will cycle down in the order of the lowest numbered type (in HEX) to the next. If there is any tie along the way, the next lowest one is selected. The ordering is, by Back Row attack type: Iainuki Lord, Phantom Lord, Ice Cloud Lord, & Thunder Flare Lord. So, if there was a tie between the Ice Cloud & Thunder Flare ones, it would pick the Ice Cloud Lord. Below is a cheat sheet to help you get the Opinion Leader you want. The roman numerals correspond to each Tarot Card.
“Evil” Neutral Opinion Leader: (Slash & Thunder Flare attacks) I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI 0 B B C B B C C C A B B B B C A B C A A B A C
Quick Q & A
Q: What is the difference between male & female Opinion Leaders?
A: Depending on which you picked, your ending will be different. There are parallel endings for each sex. It only makes sense that the endings would be different. I mean, Tristran probably wouldn’t marry when you are male! Unless of course, you both take a trip to Hawaii or Vermont after the final battle! Not that there’s anything wrong with that... But anyway, the only difference between being a guy or girl is the actual ending sequence; nothing more.
Q: Can I be the insert Opinion Leader type and still get the ending that I want?
A: Of course you can! You can get any ending with any Opinion Leader type. Even though some are more ‘evil’ than others, it does not have any influence in which ending you get. How you play the game will determine that!
Q: Which Opinion Leader is the best?
A: To be sure, some Opinion Leader types are better than others, but it really depending on what type of game you want to play and how you plan to use him. Do you want him to be in your main fighting unit? Have him sit back and enjoy the show without getting his hands dirty? Be your main city liberating unit? Taking these ideas into consideration, here’s a quick go over of the four types:
“Goodly” Neutral Opinion Leader: This type is probably the best Opinion Leader form. The reason why is because he has three Slash attacks in the Front Row, so he won’t get outpaced later in the game like the other forms will. Equip him with a White weapon, and you can control his Charisma & Alignment by killing Undead. Use this type if you want him to fight, and fight often!
“Goodly” Opinion Leader: This
is my personal favorite for some reason. Maybe because he is the ‘most goodly’ of the lot starting out. Sure, he only gets one Back Row attack, but that Ice Cloud does well enough early on, when none of your other characters have such an attack. He is the easiest form to manipulate Charisma & Alignment with because of his Banish attack. I tend to not have my Opinion Leader fight too much, so if you play like this as well, he has just the right amount of punch to be effective for those stray enemy units that find him! This form possibly is the best to use as a city liberator.
“Evil” Neutral Opinion Leader: This Opinion Leader form is not really very good. He only has two Slash attacks in the Front Row, and has a single Thunder Flare attack. Equip him with a White weapon, and you can control his Charisma & Alignment. If you like this type, you may as well use the “Goodly” Opinion Leader type, because he has an innate White attack. This one is only good for heavy fighting, but gets outpaced quickly by normal characters, not to mention the special characters!
“Evil” Opinion Leader: This Opinion Leader is probably the worst out of the four. The reason why is because both his Front & Back Row attacks are Black based, which means that he will never be able to kill Undead characters to easily manipulate his Charisma & Alignment.
Also, he gets outpaced really quickly by the other characters. He is meant to be a fighting type of character, but is not very good at it! The crappy attacks he has are the main reason.