Random Tidbits |
Here's are the random items that don’t fit into any category really.
I just thought that sticking all this stuff here on one page would be easier for you guys. After all, this site is all about you!
On time while I was fartin' around on winamp.com looking for skins, I found this really sweet Ogre Battle skin! The guy who made it, claims that the game was never popular along side the info box describing the skin at winamp.com. Well, we know better don't we? Besides that, it's really a nicely made skin, with the playlist & equalizer also done up in the Ogre Battle style we all love. Sorry that I can't find it in the new *.wsz format that all skins seem to been in these days, but if you leave it as the zip in your skins directory, it will know what to do with it. So, why don't you click and download the skin? Com' on, I know you have Winamp with a ton of files... You don't have to admit it to me, I won't tell...
![Preview of OB Skin](./Images/winamp.jpg)
Not once, not twice, but thrice! It's all about possibilities with this site! Here are the 30 different stages of Ogre Battle in three different forms. The first row is of the stages without any hover text on them at all. The second row is the stages with details on them; names towns, temples & locations of buried treasures highlighted for great reference. The last row is the blank maps at half size. Basically, these are the maps that are at the top of each stage in the Walkthrough section.
As you can see, the size of them all zipped up got to be rather large, which is the reason why I split each type of map up into three different files. When you unzip them, just make sure not to put them all in the same file, because they are all named the exact same thing. I did incorporate a file hierarchy when I made the zip files, so you should have no troubles.
If you happen to have the “DEX Drive” for the Playstation, then you would do well to download this save file! I’ve only got one here, but it’s a rather interesting one that I picked up during the course of my
e-mails over the years. It claims to be a “perfect” game, but since I don’t have a “DEX Drive” of my own to test it on, I’ll just have to take his word on it! He says he has a perfect tactics ogre save in here too.