You must use this class!
Well, in my not so humble opinion! A necessary class for city liberating units. They compliment your specialist classes even better than Knights ever could hope to do. With three Front Row attacks, high Hit Points, & slightly better than average defenses, they are tough guys to take down. Equipped with the right weapon, he is more than capable of dishing out his fair
share of D as well. The only thing that you might want to be weary of are any Black attacks, as because he has honed his religious powers, he is now more susceptible to the dark arts. Still, this shouldn’t stop you of using plenty of this class in your units! Think of this class as a poor man’s General or Dragoon, if you were unlucky enough to miss out on those special characters.
This class is arguably the most versatile class in the game.
The reason is because it can serve several purposes. First, he’s a excellent Front Row character. Second, because of this, he makes a great leader for your terrain-based units that have slim pickings for leader choices, especially Mountain based units. And, lastly, for those units without any capability to turn Undead, he is a sudden force to be reckoned with! It’s one of my favorite little tricks. If you see an Undead unit coming, quickly change around the formation of your unit so that the Paladin is the leader & in the Back Row. Then, once the battle starts, you will instantly wipe out the ethereal baddies, leaving the rest ready for a thumpin’! This is much easier than searching your item list, then search
your other characters and see what they have equipped, find the White weapon, blah blah blah... Yakity-Schmakity! You
have to love such class flexible as this & can cut down on annoyance at the same time! You’ll have a pair of great ones in Lans & Ashe, should you decide to let them progress to Paladins.