



Class Notes & Tips

You will want to replace any Ghosts that you have with these bad boy Phantoms as soon as possible!  With three Nightmare attacks, some mad Intelligence & Agility, he will cause all sorts of damage. Even to characters that aren’t weak to Black attacks!  The one odd thing is that this class gains levels exactly the same as the lower form does; the Ghost.  Everything, right down the the totals & averages, are the same.  Very strange. Still, even though it may not look like it, this character class is one of the more lethal ones in the game. I mean, sure they are only targeted attacks that hit one guy, but they each pack a big wallop!  And at night, look for the damage to really ramp up! Add to the fact that he cannot be killed except for only a dozen or so attacks in the entire game, and you have a monster on your hands.  With his arms all folded and leaning back, that Phantom’s one bad mother-

Shut ‘yo mouth!
But I’m talking about Shaft!
Then you can do it!
(Incidentally, I’ve actually had a Ghost named Shaft in one of my games!!  Too bad it was only a Ghost and not a Phantom though...)

For unit design, these guys can be paired nicely with a Lich in the Back Row.  The Phantom can work on the big Hit Point targets, making them ripe for the Lich’s powerful magic blasts.  They do work well in other units as well, mainly because they are fast, and deal some hard damage.  They are also nice because they are cheap.  I mean, honestly, what is a character that’s dead gonna do with money?! So, this can allow you some very efficient ranged fighters for not a lot of Goth when you are strapped for cash.  Don’t have too many, however, because a deceptive enemy unit that sneaks up to them with an Undead killer in it will not be pretty.  To find these guys for your army, there are a few ways to go about getting them. The first is probably the best way. Make one of your Liches the leader of a unit, and recruit some. Or, you can wait all the way until Antalia, and recruit some of the neutral ones that are roaming around mindlessly in the mountains along the southern edge of the map. Or, if you are the most despicable type of player, get Galf to join your party!!  He has four Phantoms that come with him in his unit.  Either way you go about it, just make sure that you get some!

M.O.B.Q. Rating: A-

Phantom Stats