Get All 18 Special Characters!! |
Not possible, you say?
Oh ye of little faith... It can be done! This is something that veterans of this game can do after they’ve seen an ending or two, and want to try something a bit more challenging. It relies on you being able to keep you Opinion Leader’s Level low, and your ability to control two things expertly:
1) Your Reputation Meter
2) Your Opinion Leader’s Charisma & Alignment
The basic process is to go about your business as though you were trying to get the “World” ending, which is the “best” one. However, you will not be able to get the evil creature known as Galf to join your army, meaning you cannot get the “World ending and all 18 total characters at the same time. Then it’s only a matter of doing a few things slightly different along the way. Get any ideas out of your head right now that you will get the “World” ending, because in order to get Galf, you must give up the “BRUNHILD” (Brunhild). You are instantly disqualified for this ending as soon as you do, but you still can get the other high endings, it just depends on what your Reputation Meter is sitting at when you beat the game. So, without further ado, here’s a rundown.
3) Pogrom Forest:
3A: Either while doing this stage or after you beat it, you will want to take the time to raise your Opinion Leader’s Charisma & more importantly Alignment to the coveted 100 mark. This can easily be done by killing the numerous Undead that can be found in the swampy areas as neutral encounters. Equip a White weapon, and it’s a piece of cake. It will be very very hard to do this with the evil Opinion Leader type because both of his attacks are targeted Black ones, so you can’t change what elemental source it is with equipment. So... I donno how you are supposed to get it that high. I'd get a different type to do this if I were you! Anyway, once there, don’t have him fight anything for a long time. This will ensure that you will get every special character except the two ‘evil’ ones. You would want to do something like this even if you were going for the best ending, so nothing really different here.
3B: Here’s the first little deviation that you should take. When you get the “SILVER” (Mercury), you will get a big boost in Reputation. You may want to wait to get this item until much later, when you need to resurrect your Reputation from the bottomless pit you have to put it into. If you are lucky enough with Tarot Card pulls when liberating, and getting the bonuses of using ‘goodly’ units when liberating, then you may not need to wait. But to bring your Reputation Meter from empty to full is quite intensive, so this might be an option for you.
4) Deneb’s Garden:
For obvious reasons, you have to forgive Deneb after you defeat her. However, don’t revisit this stage for a long time. You will need to have a really really low Reputation in order recruit Deneb, so the return trip will have to wait until much later. It is far easier to lose Reputation than to gain it, so you may as well get all the goody special characters first!
7) Kastolatian Sea:
7A: Get the “BRUNHILD” (Brunhild) from the hidden Roshian Temple on the small island in the very NW corner of the map. Once again, this task you would do if you were trying to get the best ending.
7B: This is a new trick. There are so many hidden towns and Roshian Temples on this stage, that you should leave most of them, if not all of them, alone! Do not liberate anything except the hidden temple, and maybe one town nearby the boss castle. Why would you want to do this, you ask? Because you are going to need a way to get your Reputation back up later. However, if you could give a rat’s about where it stands after getting Galf, then you can ignore this step altogether!
Fall From Grace! |
18A: Now’s the time when things get funky. You’re about to purposely destroy your Reputation and your Opinion Leader’s Charisma & Alignment. To begin this portion of your journey, start it off by killing tons of neutral Pumpkins. They are all over the place in the mountains, and they are Level 1, so you will be
higher level than them. As before when gaining these stats, use only your Opinion Leader for maximum effect. And, you will be losing Reputation the more days you spend here, so there really is no rush. Charisma is not that important, so just make sure you drop your Alignment to 30 or lower.
18A: Once you are sufficiently evil, take a stroll on over to Valaprine, where Deneb has been waiting forever to ask you for a favor. Accept, and she’ll say that she wants a “BOUGH” (Golden Bough).
18C: Make a return visit to Diaspola, and visit the shop town of Raloshel. Buy a “BOUGH” (Golden Bough) for Deneb.
18D: Now, before you can come back and giver her the item, you have to make sure your Reputation Meter is low enough for her to join you. If it is too high, all you will end up getting is a “PUMPKIN” (Glass Pumpkin), and that’s all. So, you need to lose lots of it in a hurry!
The best way to do this is to purposely let an enemy unit capture your main castle as soon as you start a stage. You lose tons of Reputation when this happens, and you can do it as many times as you want. This trick works on every stage, but pick one that isn’t too big so that the typical High Sky unit that you always encounter first will get to your base that much faster. Don’t deploy anyone, and move your Opinion Leader’s unit to the opposite side of the boss castle a good distance away. You want them to capture your base, not fight you. Sometimes the A.I. will be set to ‘attack Opinion Leader’ instead of ‘capture base,’ so be on the look out for that. A good stage to do this on would be Antanjyl because it is the smallest one still left, and there will be a super fast High Sky unit that comes barreling at you right off the bat to quickly capture your main base.
18E: After tanking your Reputation Meter, come on back now to Deneb’s Garden. Give her the “BOUGH” (Golden Bough), and not only will you get the “PUMPKIN” (Glass Pumpkin), but Deneb will want to join your rebellion! If she doesn’t, then you’ll need to do another round of lowering it on your favorite “Reputation Losing” stage after a reload.
19) Antanjyl:
Recruit Galf
Remember to un-equip the “BRUNHILD” (Brunhild)!
Don’t forget to grab all of the neato cool class change items that are available to you when Galf is in your army! There’s quite a bit of them at the various towns on this stage.
Optional Steps |
That’s all there is to it!
You now have all 18 characters at the same time, ready to go for the hardest stages! But there is the matter that you’re still evil. You can still fix that, however. These steps are optional, so do the next few steps only if you care about your Opinion Leader and where your Reputation Meter is at.
Getting Your Second Chance In Life |
O1) Antalia:
Go back to this stage, and have your Opinion Leader troll around for neutral Undead. They will be Level 21, and if you kept your Opinion Leader’s level as low as possible, then you should gain both Charisma & Alignment very quickly. Again, equip a White weapon if you’re not the “goodly” type. And if you are the evil type of Lord... Well, you’re in for some trouble here! To make this work even faster, completely empty out his unit, so you just have your Opinion Leader. It seems that flying units find less encounters, so any Gryphons and such in your unit should be left out. Besides, you’ll be here for quite a while, and you don’t want to have to pay guys that won’t even be doing anything! As a side note, you don’t have to worry about losing any Reputation for staying too long on a stage because it’s already in the crapper!
O2) Kastolatian Sea:
Remember all of those towns and temples you didn’t liberate your first time through? Now’s the time to set them free! Pair you’re 100/100 Opinion Leader up with a 100 Alignment Gryphon, and zoom around the map revitalizing the poeple’s faith in your quest. If you pull any Tarot Cards that lower your Reputation, like a “Death” or “Devil”, reset and go at it again. You don’t have to take such
setbacks! This can be annoying on the (non-ROM) SNES version, though, as there is not an in-game save. After a stage of this, you should have your Reputation Meter almost back up to where it was before you got Deneb. You know that your Reputation is high again if you get the “SILVER” (Mercury) without any
problems; it must be high in order to get this item. By the way, that’s another reason why you should leave it until now. Not like you can get any Zodiac Stones until around this time anyway...
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