In Ogre Battle, there are a total of 18 different hidden or special characters that you can find during the course of the game.
And, depending on certain conditions, they will join you and aid in your quest to dethrone the Empire! Most of these characters are ‘simply’ normal character classes with superhuman attributes, but there are several that are elite exclusive classes that you can only find in the form of, well, them! This section is intended to help you find them, get them to join you, and a few tip & tactics about how to make them even more buff & deadly!
First, Some Rules! |
First and foremost, there are some general rules apply for any special character. Before you head off dive right in to hunt for these uber characters, these
are some good things to know. As you are trying to get a particular character and something doesn’t go right, you can refer to this list.
1) There is a maximum number of characters that you can have in your total army. That number is 100. This is including the characters that are set in units as well as those in your stockpile.
The importance here is that you can’t receive any more characters when you are at the maximum value, no matter how cool they might be! So if you are at 100, and perform the correct sequence to get a specific special character, you’ll be out of luck! Also bear in mind that every character, except for Debonair, brings several friends along with them as a fully stocked unit when they join.
You must have room in your army for these characters too! As a general rule, I tend to start deleting characters when I get to around 80 or so. Who needs that many any way!
2) Many of these special character won’t join you unless you have a specific item in your inventory. This should go without saying, but you should not sell or throw away items like these! Unless, of course, you don’t give a rat’s about any of these special characters!
3) The other sticking point to getting a special character can be your Opinion Leader’s ‘feel good” attributes. These would be his/her Charisma & Alignment. This is the main reason why it is nigh impossible to get all 18 special characters to join you within the same game. (It can be done, however!) So if you are following the right steps, but aren’t getting the character, this may be the reason.
Get All 18 Special Characters at the Same Time! |
To make this section of the site even more interesting than before, I’ve got a page instructing you how you can get all 18 special characters to be in your rebellion at the same
time! I must admit that I borrowed this idea from ‘another site’ that I know most of you have visited, so I guess I’ll give it some props here. On some things most things actually, it’s a much better site than this one, so if you want a chance of pace, take a trip over there and tell them I said hi. Ogre Battle Web page for Vampyres. Oh, and here’s my own section about getting all 18 characters at once. You may as well check it out before you leave and don’t come back!
A Little Help From Your Friends! |
Whenever someone is on a mission, having people looking out for them along the way helps make the journey that much more fulfilling. And this game is no different. This section
is dedicated to all of the “NPC’s” that you meet along your quest. Mosst of them are definitely on the side of good, and will provide you with information and sometimes items along
the way. The NPC’s of Ogre Battle There’s no need to have a page dedicated to just the bad guys really. For one, they only appear on one
stage for the most part, and they’re evil! No sense in glorifying their exploits!