Useable Items

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“D” Useable Items

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

230 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Sentoul Demon

Buying Price:

- -


Take one to the town of Anglem in Diaspola, and exchange it for either:
1) An
“UNDEAD” (Undead Staff)
2) A "STONE” (Stone of Dragos)
3) 10,000 Goth


"A statue of the demon Sentoul."


These are a must if you want to get any of the more powerful characters of the game. Let me just say, don't choose to trade one of these for the Goth!! The other options are so much more tasty, I’d rather be broke with one of those of the other choices! This is a great source for two of the class changing items.  You can find many throughout the game as well, not to mention from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:

Pogrom Forest, Diaspola, Valley of Kastro, Shiguld, Zetegenia

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

5 Goth

PSX / Full Name:


Buying Price:

- -


You need this, and the other 11 Zodiac Stones, in order to get the “World” ending!


"The fourth stone of the Zodiac. Signifies wisdom."


You can find this item once you have the “TABLET” (Tablet of Yaru).  Check out the Zodiac Stone Page for more info about exactly where it’s located.

Stage Found:

Shiguld; hidden Roshian Temple W of Dallasu

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

21,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Gem of Doun

Buying Price:

- -


You need this item to get the “TABLET” (Tablet of Yaru)!


“A ruby the size of a walnut.  One of the jewels of Fellana.”


This is one of the three items that you must have in order to get the “TABLET” (Tablet of Yaru).  Check out the “TABLET” (Tablet of Yaru) Page for more info about exactly how to get it.

Stage Found:

Dalmuhd Desert

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

12,500 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Dowsing Rod

Buying Price:

25,000 Goth


When used on a stage, it will reveal a buried treasure exactly the same way as if one of your units stumbled onto it.


“A tool that is used to find objects.  Finds one buried treasure.”


I like this item a bit better than the “CRYSTAL” (Crystal Ball), but only because I’ve played this game quite a bit and know exactly where all of the hidden towns are at. Because there are so many buried treasures, it can speed things up a bit for you.  Or, you can use the same sneaky trick as described in the “CRYSTAL” (Crystal Ball) section!  You can also find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:


SNES Name:


Selling Price:

10,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Stone of Dragos

Buying Price:

- -


Promotes a Beast Master to a Dragoner!


“Use this item on an Beast Master and...”


Nothing more to say really, except to check out the class bio to see what they have in store for you. You can even pick some up at various stages along the way! You can also find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:


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