Useable Items

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“C” Useable Items

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

4,200 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Ginger Cake

Buying Price:

- -


You need to this item in order to get the “PEAL” (Pearl) Zodiac Stone!


“Cake from the priest.”


If you did not help Posha while you were doing Diaspola, then this item will not be available to you!  So, be a good rebel, and help her out!  For more info about this, hop on over to the Zodiac Stone page.

Stage Found:


SNES Name:


Selling Price:

29,300 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Evil Censer

Buying Price:

- -


Sell, or trade for a "DEMON" (Sentoul Demon).




While on the stage, visit the town of Vyer with a low Reputation.  You’ll be given this item there. Now, you can either sell this item for a ton of Goth, or trade it for something useful; a "DEMON" (Sentoul Demon)!  Go to the town of Para, and you will run into merchant Toad, who wants to make the switch.  At this point in the game, either is useful, but I would most definitely pick the "DEMON" (Sentoul Demon) and save it for later!

Stage Found:

Pogrom Forest

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

5,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Heart of Leo

Buying Price:

- -


Increases a character’s Charisma anywhere from 5 to 10 points.


“A stone that contains honor.  Raises a character's CHA.”


There is one waiting for you at the town of Elsmiya on Temple Shalina.  Too bad it’s the last stage of the game!  Otherwise, the only way to get this item is to one from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:

Temple Shalina

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

25,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Persuasion Spell

Buying Price:

50,000 Goth


Use this on an enemy unit for a chance to add each character to your rebellion reserves.


"Persuades one enemy unit to join the rebels."


This is a great item to use on classes that are either really tough to get, or classes that you need items for.  Basically, any unit that is deployed on the Antanjyl stage!  When you use it, it makes a check on every character in the unit except the leader. So, sometimes you will gain none, and other times you’ll get them all except the leader! You usually get at least one character per use, so it’s not all bad.  You can also find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:

Muspelm, Organa, City of Malano

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

680 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Summoning Chime

Buying Price:

- -


The unit the item is used on is instantly attacked by a neutral encounter.


A bell that attracts others.”


The unit you use this item on will be attacked by a neutral character in exactly the same way as when you randomly find them.  Befriend them, and they join your rebellion in the stock pile!  You can use this item on a fully decked out unit, unlike similar items like this. For the best results, check out what types of characters are available on which terrain type, and go to that terrain and use the item on a unit there. You can find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:


SNES Name:


Selling Price:

24,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Dream Crown

Buying Price:

- -


Promotes an Amazon to a Princess!


“Use this item on an Amazon and...”


Nothing more to say really, except to check out the class bio to see what they have in store for you. You can even pick some up at various stages along the way! You can also find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:

Muspelm, Temple Shalina

SNES Name:


Selling Price:

18,000 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Crystal Ball

Buying Price:

36,000 Goth


When used on a stage, it uncovers a hidden town or Roshian Temple!


"A crystal which shows the location of one hidden town or temple."


This item is pretty good if you are new to the game and don’t happen to have a walkthrough provided for you.  Luckily, this site has one! Shameless plug aside, even veterans might like the luxury of such an item.  You can buy these things at the shop in Antanjyl, which makes sense, because every other town & temple is hidden!  A sneaky tactic is to use one so that you know where the town or temple is, and then reload your game.  Just spend the hefty 36,000 Goth once, and rinse and repeat until you’ve found all the hidden places! The "DOWSER" (Dowsing Rod) item can be used in the same manner as well, to even more success.  You can also find this item from battles with enemy units & neutral encounters.

Stage Found:


SNES Name:


Selling Price:

200 Goth

PSX / Full Name:

Cure Potion

Buying Price:

400 Goth


Restores 50 Hit Points to a single character.


"A medicine made from various kinds of herbs."


This is your most basic curative item that can be bought.  All of the early shops have these for sale.  Don't leave home without some!

Stage Found:

Sharom Border, Sharom District, Pogrom Forest, Lake Jannenia, Deneb’s Garden, Slums of Zenobia, Island Avalon, Kastolatian Sea, Diaspola, Valley of Kastro, Muspelm, City of Malano, Kalbian Peninsula, Balmorian Ruins

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